Prison Ministry and Antiracism
Prison Ministry and Antiracism
Judy Meikle is our lead on this project
Judy Meikle is our lead on this project
We are a Lifelines to Solitary meeting
We are a Lifelines to Solitary meeting
Lifelines to Solitary is a prison correspondence program specifically designed to reach out to people in solitary confinement. On any given day more than 100,000 people are held in solitary confinement in U.S. prisons and jails.
Letters have the potential to transform the lives of people in solitary. A group of us each committed to write at least a monthly letter to an individual held in isolation. And as we bear witness to their suffering and their resilience, our faith community may also be transformed.
Solitary Confinement Project
Solitary Confinement Project
A coalition of community, religious and university organizations, including Wilton Quaker Meeting, has organized to make people aware of the injustice of solitary confinement.