Our meeting is open to all and represents a very broad range of beliefs. We serve all of Fairfield County, Connecticut. We enjoy having visitors from other faiths and seekers of all kinds.
The Meeting
And so I find it well to come
For deeper rest to this still room
For here the habit of the soul
Feels less the outer world’s control
The strength of mutual purpose pleads
More earnestly our common needs,
And from the silence multiplied
By these still forms on either side,
The world that time and sense have known
Falls off and leaves us God alone.
John Greenleaf Whittier
When do we meet?
Meeting for worship takes place every Sunday at 10:00 am and lasts about an hour until we all shake hands.
Worship is followed by afterthoughts in the spirit of meeting for worship, introductions, and announcements. We then move on to the hospitality area where the Sunday school was held for refreshments and conversation. This is an appropriate time to ask questions about Quakers in general and our meeting in particular.
Following hospitality, around noon, there are often committee meetings, adult education, forums, or business sessions that usually last about an hour. Visitors are welcome to stay for these events.
What do Quakers believe?
In a nutshell, our branch of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) believe that everyone can have direct communication with the Spirit / God. We also believe that there is something of God in everyone, sometimes called the Light within. We do not have a pastor/minister/priest. All of our members can minister.
Over time, we have come to adopt a series of testimonies that not only reflect our beliefs, but act as guideposts for how we live. They are Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship, easily remembered through the acronym SPICES.
You can find out more by downloading the file below titled WQM Testimonies.pdf, by visiting our Seekers Corner at the meetinghouse and by asking for literature when you visit our meeting.
QuakerSpeak videos are a project of Friends Journal. Real people, expressing in everyday terms, what Quakers are all about. In a few watchable minutes, each offers a lucid look at rewards and challenges of this beloved community.
Posted to the right are some sample QuakerSpeak videos especially for newcomers. Each is less than nine minutes long. One can find more about QuakerSpeak at or gain access to all the videos at
What is worship like?
Our worship consists of silent expectant waiting for direct communication with the Spirit. We enter the meetingroom and find a seat anywhere we choose. We “center down” setting aside thoughts of our everyday concerns and open our hearts and minds to God. If a message arises with some urgency out of the Spirit that feels meant to be shared with those gathered, we stand and say the message loudly enough so all can hear. We then sit down and the assembled return to silence, contemplating the message just given.
After about an hour, the designated person signals the conclusion of worship by shaking hands.
At this point, the person closing meeting stands and invites afterthoughts in the spirit of worship. This may be a message that did not quite seem strong enough to be voiced in worship but is none the less in the spirit of worship. We then ask visitors to introduce themselves so we may greet them. We then ask for announcements of events pertinent to the life of the meeting. Finally we close with a short reading and retire to hospitality.
What about our Children?
Child care is available during worship from about 9:45 am until coffee at about 11:30 am.
Children are always welcome in worship. Children can sit with their parents or gather with other children and teachers on the carpet in front of the fireplace. Spending some time in silent worship is a good way to get used to the expectant waiting. After about 15 minutes, children can go to Sunday school (also called Children's Meeting or First Day School) with their teachers. Late comers can also join worship at this time.
What is the dress code?
Dress as you feel comfortable; no suit and tie or semi-formal attire is necessary.
How do I find you?
Our Address is:
Wilton Quaker Meeting
317 New Canaan Rd (Route 106)
Wilton CT 06897
A map and directions can be found on our home page. Our Meeting currently serves all of Fairfield County, Connecticut.
There is no meeting representative available to take calls during the week. Should you have questions you can contact us at or leave a message at (203) 762-5669.
Our Seekers Corner
Our Seekers Corner is located in the fellowship area where we have hospitality following Meeting for Worship each Sunday. In the Files section below are some of the pamphlets available in the Seekers corner. We also have a selection of books for both adults and children. Ask anyone at hospitality to show you the Seekers Corner or to answer any questions you may have.